Monday, January 28, 2013

Pride and Prejudice on Wishbone

200 Years of Pride and Prejudice at Elegance of Fashion

Ever wanted to introduce a young relative to classic works of literature? Namely Pride and Prejudice? Let me recommend the 90s show Wishbone to you! I myself watched this show growing up and to this day I would highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to introduce young audiences. Since it is the 200th Anniversary of Pride and Prejudice, I am posting both parts of the Pride and Prejudice episode (appropriately called "Furst Impressions" referencing the original title "First Impressions") that has been posted on YouTube. Sure, a lot of it has been compressed (it was a half hour show, after all!), but it's great for introducing Jane Austen!


 God Bless,
God Bless, Miss Elizabeth Bennet

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to watch this when I have the time...I was a huge Wishbone fan when it was on TV. Why on earth would they take off such a great kid's show? :(


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