Thursday, January 31, 2013

Period Drama Challenge -- January Tag

Old-Fashioned Charm
As I have said before, I am participating in the Period Drama Challenge at Old-Fashioned Charm (though I haven't posted any reviews to submit to it yet, but they're coming!). Miss Laurie of Old-Fashioned Charm will be posting tag questions at the end of each month of the Period Drama Challenge. Here are my answers to January's questions.

1. What period dramas have you watched in January?
Let's see... 

I've started to watch Downton Abbey: Series 3 on PBS. We also just got the DVD, so I may even write a review before the series finishes up on PBS. This series is so far... still not as good as the first two series. I don't know, it's like the whole dynamic of the show changed (which is probably what they're going for since it's after the war). But I still like it.

My mom and I also started to watch The Pallisers, which is based off of a series of books by Anthony Trollope (who also wrote The Way We Live Now, The Barchester Chronicles, and He Knew He Was Right). I'm doing something a little different with this review: I will be splitting up the episodes so that there are multiple reviews for this series. That way, the reviews will be more detailed since each section changes focus.

I also had to watch Shakespeare in Love (notice how I say "had"). I'll post a review of this shortly. As a little preview, the review is going to be more of a warning and will not count towards the Period Drama Challenge.

Oh, I also watched The Duchess. I posted a review of it earlier this week. The costumes, music, and scenery were great, but the plot line wasn't so great. Since I watched it before the Period Drama Challenge started, I will not be submitting my review of it.

Those are pretty much the ones I can think of. January has been a little busy for me since I've started a new semester (on a side note, I'll say that this semester was a lot better than the last two). Hopefully I'll have some more time in February to watch more period dramas (and finally start posting reviews for The Period Drama Challenge).

2. Do you prefer period dramas peppered with humor or laced with dark emotions?
Humor, of course! I love period dramas that have a lighthearted feel to them. Though I do like some period dramas that are a little darker, I don't like really dark emotional period dramas (looking at you, Wuthering Heights).

3. What was the first period drama miniseries (two episodes or longer) that you ever watched?
Pride and Prejudice (1995) -- probably the obvious answer from me.

4. How many Jane Austen adaptations have you seen?
Oooh! Let me see... I'll just list them out here:
Pride and Prejudice (1981)
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Sense and Sensibility (1971)
Sense and Sensibility (1995)
Sense and Sensibility (2008)
Emma (1997)
Emma (1996)
Emma (2009)
Northanger Abbey (2007)
Persuasion (1995)
Persuasion (2007)

So that would be 11.

5. What period drama, that you haven't seen before, are you most looking forward to seeing in the future?
Well, finishing up Downton Abbey: Series 3 and The Pallisers. But one that I have not seen already... I'm not sure. I know we're supposed to watch Elizabeth: The Golden Age, but I think I'm more looking forward to the costuming than anything else.

So, that's my tag for January. Are you participating in the Period Drama Challenge? Have you seen any of the period dramas I mentioned? Leave a comment!

 God Bless,
God Bless, Miss Elizabeth Bennet


  1. I've sort of given up on Downton Abbey. It is such a pretty series and with great actors but the story lines aren't my favorites and they seem to just be getting more tangled up. I thought two series were too much and then they went on to do a third... Will probably watch season 3 sometime but tired of all the publicity right now. :(

    Look forward to you reviews of The Pallisers! I've been interested in them since some of the same actors from The Barchester Chronicles are in them and particularly a young Anna Massey is in some of them.

    Shakespeare in Love, ugh! I've tried watching it a couple times but it's very odd and I couldn't make it through. You "had" to watch it? For school?

    The Elizabeth I movies do have amazing costumes. Watched the first one but skipped a lot of it for the horrible scenes. Have you watched Mansfield Park 1983 yet? It would be great to read your thoughts on that! ;)

    1. When I hear about everyone talking about Downton Abbey now, all I can think is that I liked it before it was cool. I've run across enough spoilers about the end of Series 3 that I'd be surprised if it lasts past Series 4 with some of the plot twists they're taking.

      I'm almost half way through The Pallisers and enjoying it. Anna Massey has a pretty big part for a while. I think Anthony Andrews is also supposed to be in there.

      Unfortunately, I had to watch Shakespeare in Love for my Introduction to Shakespeare class... Still don't know why unless it was to give us an idea of what Shakespearean theater was like, but still it was highly inappropriate (and inaccurate from what I understand). I joked that I was only watching it for Colin Firth haha! But anyways, if you couldn't make it through, you're not missing much.

      I haven't seen Mansfield Park 1983 yet, but I have it on my Instant Queue for Netflix. I may try to watch the 2007 version at some point, but I don't have any plans to watch the 1999 version (since I heard how awful it was).

  2. I'll be intrigued to read your review of Shakespeare in Love! Been a while since I've seen it.

    I STILL haven't gotten to see ANY of Downton Abbey, and I feel like such a loser! One day.

  3. Still hanging with Downton. I can't help myself. I've successful avoided spoilers, which makes it more fun. I have started playing Downton Bingo, which is kinda poking fun, but that's ok. I can totally understand your comment about liking it before it was cool. I was a nerdy girl before....but now that other people at work watch it, I'm not so nerdy. Go figure.

  4. I love Downton, although I wasn't really a huge fan of the costumes in season three. My favourite was Lady Edith's wedding dress.
    Beth xxx


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