Thursday, October 25, 2012

Period Drama Trivia Challenge Answers and Winners

As of Tuesday, the Period Drama Trivia Challenge has been closed. Thank you everyone for playing! Here are the answers:

  1. What is the name of Fanny Price's favorite brother? William Price
  2. Finish the quote from Cranford: "What will people think of her? Or worse, what will be said?"
  3. Why did Frank Churchill go to London in Emma? To get his hair cut
  4. Who does Mr. Gibson marry in He Knew He Was Right? Arabella French
  5. In Under the Greenwood Tree, who was Fancy Day replacing at church? The Church Choir
  6. How old is Elizabeth Bennet at the start of Pride and Prejudice? 20 years old
  7. What is the address of the home in Upstairs, Downstairs? 165 Eaton Place
  8. What was the name of the original family in Upstairs, Downstairs? The Bellamy family
  9. What is the name of Hamlet's mother? Gertrude
  10. Who is the original heir of Downton Abbey before the Titanic sank? James Crawley
  11. Who becomes the heir of Downton Abbey after the first two heirs drown in the sinking of the Titanic? Matthew Crawley
  12. What are the Eliott names of the sisters in The House of Eliott? Beatrice (or Bea) and Evangeline (or Evie) Eliott
  13. What is Lady Mary Crawley's middle name? Josephine
  14. Where was Marguerite St. Just from? Paris, France (will accept France)
  15. What did Catherine Morland want to know while reading The Mysteries of Udolpho? What was behind the black veil
  16. What did the ladies in Cranford not want built? The railway/railroad
  17. What was Molly Gibson's christened name? Mary
  18. What were the names of the three men who wanted to marry Fancy Day? Mr. Shiner, Parson Maybold, Dick Dewey
  19. Who does Fancy Day end of marrying? Dick Dewey
  20. What was the name of Osbourne and Roger Hamley's sister? Fanny
  21. What was Miss Galindo's occupation in Cranford? Milliner
  22. How many children did Sir Walter Elliot have all together as said in the opening of Persuasion? Four ("...he has issue Elizabeth, born June 1, 1785; Anne, born August 9, 1787; a still-born son, November 5, 1789; Mary, born November 20, 1791. ")
  23. How old does Maggy say she is in Little Dorrit? 10 (She had a bad fever when she was ten and hasn't grown any older since).
  24. What is the name of Mr. Rochester's brother who was mentioned in Jane Eyre? Rowland Rochester ("all, he resolved, should go to my brother, Rowland." - Mr. Rochester, Chapter 27)... and yes, this was a hard one :-P
  25. What did Aunt Ada see in the woodshed in Cold Comfort Farm? "I saw something nasty in the woodshed!". It's never revealed what she actually saw.
  26. Who is the youngest Timmins child in Lark Rise to Candleford? Annie Timmins
  27. Who did Louis Trevelyan not want his wife to see in He Knew He Was Right? Colonel Osbourne
  28. What was the name of Margaret Hale's friend who dies after working in a cotton mill in North and South? Bessy Higgins
  29. What is the name of Mr. Rushworth's home in Mansfield Park? Sotherton
  30. Who was Lady Mary engaged to for most of Series 2 in Downton Abbey? Sir Richard Carlisle
  31. What did Mr. Woodhouse not want the children to eat at Mr. and Mrs. Weston's wedding? Cake
  32. Who is Frank Churchill's father in Emma? Mr. Weston
  33. In the beginning of Cranford, what were Deborah, Matty, and Mary eating? Oranges
  34. What is the name of Maud Holland's monkey in the new Upstairs, Downstairs? Solomon
  35. What is the name of Lucy Steele's sister? Anne (or Nancy) Steele
  36. What kind of factory does John Thornton own in North and South? A Cotton Mill
  37. What is the name of Lady Bertram's dog? Pug
  38. What is the name of Lord Grantham's dog in the second series of Downton Abbey? Isis
  39. What book did Captain Brown give to Deborah Jenkyns in Cranford? The Pickwick Papers
  40. Who did footman William marry in Downton Abbey? Daisy Robinson the kitchen maid
  41. Name three period drama roles actress Joanna David had. Possible answers: Mrs. Gardiner in Pride and Prejudice (1995), Elinor Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility (1971), Mrs. Stanbury in He Knew He Was Right, Mrs. Longestaffe in The Way We Live Now, Mrs. Badger in Bleak House
  42. Which county does the series Poldark take place? Cornwall
  43. What is the name of Harry Gregson's father in Cranford? Job Gregson
  44. In Lark Rise to Candleford, who was Dorcas Lane's cousin? Emma Timmins
  45. Who does Sir Percy marry in The Scarlet Pimpernel? Marguerite St. Just
  46. For the answer to 45, what was her occupation? Actress
  47. What was the name of Edmund Dantes's fiancee in The Count of Monte Cristo (first name would be acceptable)? Mercedes
  48. What are the names of the sisters in Little Women? Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March
  49. Who was Pip an apprentice to in Great Expectations? Joe Gargery
  50. What is the name of Jane Eyre's friend that she met at Lowood that died of typhus? Helen Burns
Thank you everyone for playing! Here is how everyone ranked:

And the winners are:

Miss Laurie -- 40
Sarah Grace -- 35
Melody -- 28

Miss Dashwood -- 26.5
Kiri Liz -- 16
Johanna -- 16
Charity -- 12

Congratulations, Miss Laurie, Sarah Grace, and Melody! Here are your buttons ready to be picked up!

A big thanks to everyone for playing!

 God Bless,
God Bless, Miss Elizabeth Bennet

1 comment:

  1. Lizzy,
    Sorry, can't believe I forgot about this. Thanks so much for making this beautiful button for me! I've put it on my blog and will display it proudly!
    Thanks for making this game, it was so much fun! Oh! the Hamley's daughter was named Fanny! And Mercedes - I've only seen The Count Of Monte Cristo once.

    Congrats Sarah Grace and Melody! Your buttons are lovely too. :)


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