Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Name! And New Layout Day Announced!

Some of my readers have suggested that I should choose a name, and I had agreed with them, but I always take so long with names! I always want to pick something good and something that I wouldn't want to change right away. Well, since Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, and since I got Elizabeth Bennet in the "Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You?" quiz, and since Elizabeth Bennet is my favorite literary character, I have decided to call myself...

Miss Elizabeth Bennet!

And I've also got a new little icon! Of course, like in Pride and Prejudice, Miss Elizabeth Bennet could be shorten to Miss Bennet, Lizzy, Lizzy Bennet, Miss Eliza, Miss Lizzy, etc. I am also still okay if you would still like to call me Elegance of Fashion (I'm pretty flexible on this).

And, since my changes are coming along splendidly, I'm setting the layout day to June 8th! I'm also planning on have a couple of new banners, blog buttons, and little extras in addition to the changes that I've been working on.


  1. Oh bother! I guess I'll have to anticipate seeing the new layour once I'm home. :)

    Trying to picture you as Lizzy...impossible. As Lizzy would say. I think I'll call you either Elizabeth or Miss Elizabeth, if that's okay. :)

    Wow, just looked at the Round 4 results thus far...Thornton and Knightley tied, Darcy two votes ahead! Who knew it would be so close!

  2. That sounds perfect! I, too, love the character - Elizabeth Bennet. Excellent choice! Your blog is always so lovely! God's blessings to you and all of your blog creations!

  3. Charity,
    The new layout is going to be great! And with the names, that would be okay.

    Net Movie Blogger,
    Thank you!

  4. Ooh, I love that name! Can't wait to see the new layout. =)


  5. I like the name Elizabeth Bennet. If I chose a Jane Austin character it would be Marianne Dashwood (1995 version) because I am most like her in the quiz thingy too!

  6. What a lovely idea to choose a name and Miss Elizabeth suits you perfectly! Having a name like this just adds that personal touch and it will be so much fun to call you Elizabeth Bennet! I'm so excited to see your new blog layout! You and your blog are so special and I really enjoy coming here, hearing your thoughts and just chatting!

    God Bless,
    Miss Laurie :)

  7. Ooooh! I can't wait to see what it looks like!! :)

  8. Great! Although I think I'll opt out on calling you Eliza. ;P

  9. Miss Laurie, Hayden, and Melody,
    Thank you so much!

  10. Miss Elizabeth Bennet, you picked such a lovely name for yourself! ;) In my opinion, it's better than Elegance of Fashion since that's your blog's name already.

    I'm excited to see the new layout, as well as the new banners and blog buttons!


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