
Monday, July 16, 2012

Call for More Reader Questions

I'm calling out for more reader questions! I've run out and need some more. Here is the original post. Remember the original question was:

What question(s) on a period drama (or period dramas) would you pose to me to answer in a decent length post?

 Just keep these rules in mind:

1. I will of course try to answer as many questions as I get, but keep in mind that I might not be able to answer them all for a couple of reasons. First, I could get a lot of questions and would simply have to pick and choose. Second, there are just some subjects that I don't have much to say on (or in other words, I have a one word answer and that's it :-P).
2. If I feel uncomfortable answering a question or if I feel like a question will make my readers uncomfortable, then I will not answer it. This mostly applies to topics of a mature nature (so those questions better be G or PG rated).
3. If you have a question that might not be an analysis question but simply want my opinion on a period drama or what not, feel free to ask it. Just keep rules 1 and 2 in mind and keep it respectful and clean.

Suggest what you can and I'll try to answer as many as I get! The questions could be about period drama analysis (where I give my opinion in a period drama), which period dramas I recommend for a certain audience, or behind-the-scenes questions about how I run my blog.

Can't wait to see what you all come up with!

 God Bless,
God Bless, Miss Elizabeth Bennet


  1. Do you think Lizzy would have accepted Darcy the first time if she had never met Wickham, and if Colonel Fitzwilliam hadn't told her about Darcy's separating Bingley and Jane?

  2. What do you think are the unique points of the stories (books or adaptations) of each of these great writers: Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Brönte (add others if you like), which distinguish them from other writers.

  3. Who is your favourite period drama character? Why?
    If you could change something in a period drama movie, what would it be?

    1. I'll get to work on it. Sorry it took me longer to respond to this comment.

  4. I realize that I'm in danger of losing my head for this, but... What do you think Jane Austen's worst fault was as a writer? Charles Dickens's worst fault? And what, in your opinion, could they have done to remedy that fault?

    1. A fault with Jane Austen?! Impossible! I'll see what I can do for a post. It may require quite a bit of thinking, especially for Jane Austen.

    2. I only asked for your opinion because I've heard so many people say that every writer has a fault, whether it be poor characterization, paragraph structure, slow plot line, unbelievable dialogue, etc. So, is Jane Austen like every other writer, possessing a fault? I daresay we shall not love her less for having a fault, perhaps rather the opposite, and because of her faults, she's more like us, the poor, aspiring writers of today.

    3. I was making a little joke before (sorry if I wasn't clear about that). Of course Jane Austen wasn't perfect, so she probably did have faults. I may have an idea as to what to say on that. It's an interesting question for me to answer. Thanks for asking it. :-)

  5. With respect (of the deepest kind) to Pride and Prejudice, what do you miss from the book that never made it onto the small screen (1995 BBC/A&E version of course) and which, if any, of the additional/re-created scenes did you enjoy/think worthwhile.
    Anything to do with a certain pond (with a significant smile, nodding head towards Lyme Park) is disallowed!


Thank you for visiting Elegance of Fashion. If you wish to leave a comment, please do. I ask that you refrain from bad language and are polite and constructive. If you are posing under "Anonymous", if you could leave a name, that would be great! I reserve the right to delete any comments that I deem family unfriendly.

Thank you very much and please come again.