
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Vote On Captions!

Now that the submissions for captions are now closed, now comes the poll! I got a very good response on submissions for the caption contest!

So, remember what the picture was...

Which captions are your favorites?
  1. "I am an absolute scourge of spiders! Woe betide any spider who ventures into my society!"
  2. "All of Mr. Fife's deputies must learn his special salute, Miss Woodhouse. It's mandatory."
  3. Emma: Farm boy, fetch me that pitcher.
    Elton: As you wish.
  4. Elton: As always, Miss Woodhouse, you preside over everything else in existence. I will guard this scroll with my life.
  5. Elton: The only power that I can see at present, madmoiselle, is the power of your beauty.
    Emma: Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Mr Elton.
    Elton: This beholder is enchanted.
  6. Mr. Elton: "You see, Emma something is not quiet right up stairs with Harriet."
  7. "One must always use the little gray cells, you know, Miss Woodhouse!"
  8. Elton: Don't look now, but I've a feeling we're being WATCHED.
  9. Mr. Elton-- The discoverer of Treasure Planet would go down in history as one of the grestest explorers! He'd be able to experience... Whoa! What just happened?
  10. Mr. Knightly: He may sepak sentimentally but he will behave rationally. Why is he hitting himself with that?
  11. Emma: A soldier? A brain surgeon? A king?
    Mr. Knightley: Oh Emma, you've never been good at Charades!
  12. Elton: I'm off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz! 
  13. Elton: Superglue, Miss Woodhouse? How droll.
    Emma & Knightley: Muwhahahahahaha!
  14. Mr. E: Your Majesty, I would gladly take a bullet for you.
    Emma: Oh how brave, most interns don't even want to fetch me my tea.
  15. Emma: Aren't you so adorable?! I mean, is it just me or is he adorably cute?
    Knightley: For me, two words come to mind--delusional and weirdo. And also, goofy. Just goofy. 
  16. Mr. Elton: Oh Emma, I have this itch on my forehead, I can't stop scratching it!
    Emma: My, how exhilarating! Is it a result of your feverish love for Miss Smith?
And, because I'm feeling generous ("I'm the soul of generosity!"), I'm going to make the poll so you can select multiple answers! So select as many as you like!

You have one week to vote!

 God Bless,
God Bless, Miss Elizabeth Bennet


  1. I notice that some of the captions were not put in. Did you just pick the ones you liked best, or did the other ones somehow not get posted in time?

    1. I put all the ones that I saw in the original post. Did I miss some?

    2. Ah! I did mess up! I'll have to add another poll in. Sorry about that!

    3. That's ok! I wasn't sure what was up so I thought I'd let you know in case you'd overlooked something. Glad I did.


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