
Friday, November 18, 2011

Austenitis's Blog Birthday Party Tag

The Birthday Blog Party continues at Austenitis with a tag!
1. What month is your birthday? 
My birthday is in March
2. What is your birth-stone? (include a picture!)
 Aquamarine! Pretty! My favorite color is also blue and this blue is very nice!
3. Have you had a party?
Mostly when I was younger. Now I just prefer an evening with my family.
4. What was your favorite present ever? 
Not quite sure... I don't think I can remember. Oh well!
5. Do you know of a flower or plant that blooms in your birth-month? 
I had to look this up, but I guess camellias bloom in greenhouses during March. I know it's kind of a stretch, but since it's still cold during March (at least by me), not too much is blooming.
6. (These next two questions…only answer if you’re comfortable with them.) Do you know of anyone famous who you share your birthday with? 
Of course not in the same year, but Liza Minnelli, Darryl Strawberry, and James Taylor. And, of course, I don't know to much about any of them other than Liza Minnelli was Judy Garland's daughter, Darryl Strawberry was a baseball player, and James Taylor is a singer. As far as celebrities sharing the exact same birthday in the exact same year as me, I can't think of any.
7. Have you ever met anyone who shared your birthday?
I don't believe so... Not really.
8. What month and day would you love to have your birthday on? 
I'm pretty happy that my birthday is on March 12th already, so March 12!
9. Name three things you’d love to receive as a gift. 
Money, anything Jane Austen, and probably fabric or patterns for sewing
10. Anything random concerning birthdays (or anything else) that you’d like to mention? 
I've got nothing... Sorry!

 God Bless,
 God Bless, Miss Elizabeth Bennet

1 comment:

  1. I would appreciate it if you changed the BetweenTheCovers button to my new one. Thanks.


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